Our company is engaged in transportation of bulky heavy cargo, including transportation of metal, as well as transportation of oversized cargo. For the successful implementation of these tasks, we use low-frame sliding platforms capable of withstanding a mass of up to 62 tons

Specialized rolling stock is used in the transportation of goods with large weight and dimensions. Load distribution takes place in such a way that it took over and the car and trailer. In this case, the load should not be located too close to the cabin (distance of at least 50 cm), since its front end when driving makes a movement along the curve. If the car with the trailer dissolution are used for mass transportation, it is preferable to use a device that provides tightening dissolution on the frame. This engineering solution has a positive effect on the maneuverability of the car, reduces fuel consumption, helps to protect the tires.

The organizers of transportation of large-size heavy goods use cranes and loaders, but in some cases (it all depends on the model) are used specialized devices that are placed directly on the car.

The device for transportation of large-sized heavy loads is a multi-wheeled low-frame trailer (frame, as a rule, is at a height of not more than 80 centimeters from the road). The desire of trailer manufacturers to reduce the height of the frame is explained by the fact that the goods transported on rolling stock can have significant dimensions. It is difficult to unload and load the contents of trailers of cars for transportation of large-size heavy loads, and the low trailer at least a little facilitates this task. Also do not forget that on the road there are often tunnels and bridges, and the load can be too high.

For transportation in winter is often used not wheeled transport, and sled trailers. They can be one - and two-pole. The use of this kind of trailers allows you to move with a significant useful effort, since the resistance of the load when driving on a sled is low enough, and the mechanisms themselves weigh a little.


Thus, often transported building structures-finished parts of the rooms. Such structures made of precast concrete are transported in finished form and delivered directly to the sports ground, without the need for storage in warehouses. This reduces the time spent on construction work and makes the construction of residential buildings cheaper: savings of up to seven percent.

Thus, often transported building structures-finished parts of the rooms. Such structures made of precast concrete are transported in finished form and delivered directly to the sports ground, without the need for storage in warehouses. This reduces the time spent on construction work and makes the construction of residential buildings cheaper: savings of up to seven percent.


Metal loads can belong to different profiles, have different dimensions.

  • Small-sized cargo. It includes bays of metal cable, industrial hardware, products made of cast iron and alloys.
  • Metal (products up to 6 meters long)
  • Long products: wire and pipes. Their length is from 7 to 14 meters.
  • Wide sheet. The most overall products: their length can reach 14 m, and the thickness exceeds 2 mm.

For the transportation of metal, standard on-Board trucks, road trains and structures consisting of a tractor and a specialized trailer are also used. Rolling stock, carrying out the transportation of metal cargo, are divided into non-self-unloading and self-unloading.

The company "Samotrans" delivers the goods on a "Door to Door" in neighboring countries and EU member States. We take care of all the most important tasks that accompany transportation: work with design and licensing documentation, expedition of goods, organization of cover cars, support of traffic police.