+375 (33) 399-11-95
The initial profile of "Samotrans" Ltd was refrigerated transport. Recall that this means the transportation of goods that need a certain temperature regime. These are, first of all, food products, as well as medicines, agricultural plants, various chemicals, including dangerous goods.
Transportation using temperature control equipment has been widely used since the middle of the last century. Now refrigerated transport is a significant percentage of all traffic passing through our roads.
Starting work in 2007, our company had five tractors with semi-trailers refrigerators intended for fruit and vegetables. Now our specialized fleet has doubled. Each of the 10 tractors with semi-trailers equipped with thermographs can carry up to 21 tons, carry up to 33 Euro pallets, work with a variety of substances, including dangerous goods. The total maximum volume is 86 m3.
Only qualified drivers can be trusted to transport perishable products, and all our employees meet this requirement. We employ drivers with extensive experience with refrigerators, able to cope in any difficult situation.
Reliable temperature control: with the use of thermographs. These devices every 10 minutes record data on the temperature in the compartment where the goods are transported. All used thermographs are certified devices, the use of them is provided by the terms of insurance.
FRC-international certificate of conformity, which is issued to vehicles that can carry perishable products.
Spacious cargo compartments, which are always kept clean. This is particularly important for the transport of food at summer temperatures.
Control of the distance traveled using GPS. Our customers will never get into a situation where the carrier requires payment for more mileage than was agreed. Cars move strictly along the route, which is fixed by GPS-Navigator.